Maximize uptime, minimize maintenance costs while complying with wastewater treatment and disposal regulations.
Industrial wastewater must be treated efficiently, cost-effectively and within the appropriate quality standards. That’s why EMOCLEW has metering pump and agitation solutions that assist in the necessary, proper disposal of wastewater.
Our comprehensive selection of metering pumps and systems can inject chemicals such as coagulants, disinfectants, softening agents, acids and bases for pH control, de-chlorination chemicals, and many more. Design features such as durable construction means it can withstand varying fluid, temperature, and environmental conditions while capacity adjustment enables accurate output flow control. Our pumps are well-known for their reliability. With preventative maintenance, these metering pumps perform at peak levels, leading to less shutdowns and long-term cost benefits.
Mixers can provide effective agitation for sludge digestion and aeration during industrial wastewater treatment. Our mixing technology has been designed for low-energy usage, reduced chemical-additive consumption and ease of maintenance. With standard or custom designs and a global network of expertise, we can deliver a solution for maximum uptime.